
    Microbial eukaryotes (protozoa) represent a major component of the biosphere, contributing to ecology, food security and the environment. Moreover, diseases caused by parasitic protozoa constitute an ongoing global threat to health and prosperity. My laboratory has made contributions that highlight many critical and key aspects of protist biology, principally focusing on parasitic organisms of the trypanosomatid group, but also extending into environmental organisms such as the algae Euglena and Diplonema. Research spans a wide gamut from environmental biology, through evolution, cell biology and drug development. My laboratory has also contributed towards understanding origins of the eukaryotic cell and in particular membrane trafficking and nuclear transport. In 2024 I was rated as a leading figure in molecular biology, with an h-index of 70 and placed as the 62nd most influential molecular biologist in the UK and 805th worldwide, with over 16 500 citations. I was awarded the British Society for Parasitology C.A. Wright medal in 2010 for recognition of outstanding contributions to parasitology.

Additional data are here and a GitHub repository for scripts and software here. An NCBI listing is here and Google scholar listing is here.

2025 - 2027

Barlow, L.D., and Field, M.C., (2024) ‘Protein structure-based searching reveals extensive hidden homology in the genomes of pathogenic protists.’ (in preparation)

Clarah, J., Thuita, K.J., Masiga D., Orindi, B.O., Field, M.C., Matovu, E., Oidho, J., and Adunga, V.O., (2025) 'Role of cytokines in modulating Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense infection outcomes in vervet monkeys.'

Field, M.C., (2025) 'Probing CATCHR tethering complex evolution with comparative genomics, proteomics and structure predictions.' Methods in Molecular Biology (in press)

Field, M.C., and Rout, M.P, (2025) 'The strange case of the trypanosome lamina: Deep divisions in nuclear organisation. ' in 'Role of Lamins in Chromatin Organization and Function'. Subcellular Biochemistry (Sengupta, K., ed) (solicited)

Kostygov, A., Skýpalová, K., Natalia Kraeva, N., McLeod, C., Yurchenko, V., Field, M.C, Lukeš, J., and Butenko, A., (2024) 'Comprehensive analysis of the Kinetoplastea intron landscape reveals a novel intron-containing gene.'

Lowenstein, M., Ramerez, A., Abbasai, K., and Field (2025) 'A highly divergent Ras-like GTPase is essential and required for completion of the cell cycle in the African trypanosome.' Frontiers in Parasitology (in preparation)

Makarov, A., Koreny, L., Chait, B.T., Rout, M.P., and Field, M.C., (2024) 'Roles of phosphorylation in organising the lamina of trypanosomes.' (in preparation perennial)

Makarov, A., Butenko, A., Lukeš, J., Field, M.C., (2025) 'Origins and evolution of the nuclear lamina protein NUP-1.' Nucleus (in preparation)

Padilla-Mejia, N.E., Durante, I., Záhonová, K., Zoltner, M., Dacks, J.B., Lukeš, J., and Field, M.C. (2025) 'Identification of novel subunits within the trypanosome ESCRT system.' (in preparation)

Padilla-Mejia, N.E., and Field, M.C., (2025) 'Thymidine kinase as suicide gene and druggable target.' (in preparation)

del Pino, R.C., Butterfield, E., Zoltner, M., and Field, M.C., (2025) 'Evolution and composition of trypanosome cullin E3 ligases.' (in preparation) [Supplementary data

Pipaliya, S.V., Záhonová, K., Field, M.C, Saxinger, L., and Dacks, J.B. (2025) 'Drugs, parasites, and evolution.'

Souza-Melo, N., Silva, N.B., Malvezzi, A.M., dos Santos, G.P., Alcântara, L.M., de Lima Alcantara, C., da Cunha e Silva, N.L., Zoltner, M., Field, M.C., and Schenkman, S. (2024) ‘The role of TcVDU deubiquitinase in the dynamics of endocytosis and infectivity of Trypanosoma cruzi.’ Cellular Microbiology (submitted)

Ward, A., and Field, M.C., (2024) 'Evolution of the ubiquitin-like modifier SUMO.' Wellcome Open Research (in preparation)


Aguado, M.E., Carvalho, S., Valdés-Tresanco, M.E., De Lin, Corpas-Lopez, V., Padilla-Mejia, N., Gray, D., González, J., Wyllie, S., and Field, M.C., (2024) ‘Identification and validation of lead compounds targeting Leishmania major leucyl-aminopeptidase M17.’ American Chemical Society Infectious Diseases [PDF][Supplimentary data]

Barlow, L.D., Congshan, L., Zhang, N., and Field, M.C., (2024) 'The true ubiquity of ubiquitin: Origins and evolution in all domains of life.' Nature Scientific Reports (in preparation).

Butterfield, E.R., Obado, S., Chait, B.T., Rout, M.P., and Field, M.C., (2024) 'A lineage-specific protein network at the trypanosome nuclear envelope.' Nucleus 15 2310452 [PDF][epub][Supplementary data][Proteomics][Transcriptomics][Scripts][Models]

Field, M.C., (2024) 'Ras superfamily GTPases and signal transduction in Euglena gracilis.' Protist 175 126017 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Izquierdo, M., Lin, D., O’Neill, S., Webster, L., Aguado, M.E., Paterson, C., Thomas, J., Elisa Aguado, M.E., Colina, E., Alpízar-Pedraza, D., Joji, H., MacLean, L., Hope, A., Gray, D.W., Zoltner, M., Field, M.C., González-Bacerio, J., and DeRycker, M., (2024) 'Identification of a tight-binding selective LAPTc inhibitor by rapid fire-mass spectrometry, with antichagasic activity.' Public Library of Science Neglected Tropical Diseases 18 e0011956 [PDF]

Liu, C., Xue, J., Zhang, H., Cao, J., Field, M.C., and Yin, J., (2024) 'Is the EGF receptor a drug target for Echinococcus? A case for drug repurposing.' Antimicrobial Agents and Chemtherapy (submitted) [Supplementary data]

Obado, S., Stein, M.,  Hegedűsová, E., van Eeuwen, T.,  Zhang, W-Z., Hutchinson, S., Brillantes, M., Glover, L., Paris, Z., Chait, B.T., Field, M.C., and Rout, M.P. (2024) 'Mex67 paralogs mediate division of labor in trypanosome RNA processing and export.' Nucleic Acids Research (under revision)

Zhang, N., Samad, A., Zahedifard, F., Horn, D., Zoltner, M., and Field, M.C., (2024) 'Targeted degradation of the CPSF complex by benzoxaboroles through sumoylation.' bioRxiv [PDF][Supplementary data]

Zoltner, M., Horn, D., and Field, M.C., (2024) 'Pass the boron: Benzoxaboroles as anti-parasite drugs.' Trends in Parasitology (in press) [PDF]


Arhel, N., and Field, M.C., (2024) 'Biomedical implications of nuclear transport.' FEBS Letters (editorial) 297 2499 - 2500 [PDF][Front cover]

Faktorová, D., Záhonová, K., Benz, C., Dacks, J.B., Field, M.C., and Lukeš, J., (2023) 'Functional differentiation of Sec13 paralogs in the euglenozoan protists.' Open Biology 13 220364 [PDF]

Faria, J.R.C., Tinti, M., Marques, C.A., Zoltner, M., Yoshikawa, H., Field, M.C., and Horn, D. (2023) 'An allele-selective inter-chromosomal bridge supports monogenic expression.' Nature Communications 14:8200 [PDF]

Field, M.C., (2023) 'Deviating from the norm: Nuclear architecture and function in trypanosomes.' Current Opinions in Cell Biology 85 102234 [PDF]

Kramer, S., Karolak, N.K., Odenwald, J., Gabiatti, B., Londoño, P.A.C., Zavřelová, A.,  Freire, E.R., Almeida, K.S., Braune, S., Moreira, C., Eden, A., Goos, C., Field, M,.C., Carrington, M., Holetz, F., Górna, M.W., and Zoltner, M., (2023) 'A unique mRNA-decapping complex in trypanosomes.' Nucleic Acids Research 51 7520-7540 [PDF]

Liu, C., Cao,J., Zhang, H., Field, M.C., and Yin, J., (2023) 'Extracellular vesicles secreted by Echinococcus multilocularis: Important players in angiogenesis promotion.' Microbes and Infection 25 105147 [PDF]

Lukeš, J.,  Speijer, D., Zíková, A., Alfonzo, J.D, Hashimi, H., and Field, M.C., (2023) 'Trypanosomes as magnifying glasses for cell and molecular biology.' Trends in Parasitology 39 902-912 [PDF][Best of 2023 collection]

Makarov, A., Began, J.,  Mautone, I.C., Pinto, E., Ferguson, L., Zoltner, M., Zoll, S., and Field, M.C., (2023) 'The role of invariant surface glycoprotein 75 in xenobiotic acquisition by African trypanosomes.' Microbial Cell 10 18 - 35 [PDF]

Marcelino, T.P., Fala, A.M., da Silva, M.M., Souza-Melo, N., Malvezzi, A.M., Klippel, A.H., Zoltner, M., Padilla-Mejia, N., Kosto, S., Field, M.C., Caldas, G.A.B., Teixeira, S.M.R., Guileadi, O., Couñago, R.M., Massirer, K.M., and Schenkman, S. (2023) 'Identification of inhibitors of the trans-membrane Trypanosoma cruzi eIF2α kinase relevant for parasite proliferation.' The Journal of Biological Chemistry 299 104857 [PDF]

Moreira, C.M.N., Kelemen, C., Obado, S.O., Zahedifard, F., Zhang, N., Holetz, F., Gauglitz, L., Dallagiovanna, B., Field, M.C., Kramer, S., and Zoltner, M., (2023) ‘Impact of inherent biases built into proteomic techniques: Proximity labeling and affinity capture compared.’ The Journal of Biological Chemistry 299 102726 [PDF]

Padilla-Mejia, N.E., and Field, M.C., (2023) 'Evolutionary, structural and functional insights in nuclear organisation and nucleocytoplasmic transport in trypanosomes.' FEBS Letters 297 2501 - 2518 [PDF]

Prokopchuk, G.,  Butenko, A., Dacks, J.B., Speijer, D., Field, M.C., and Lukeš, J., (2023) 'Lessons from the deep: Mechanisms behind diversification of eukaryotic protein complexes.' Biological Reviews 98 1910 - 1927 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Yamada, K., Yaqub, F.K., Zoltner, M., and Field, M.C., (2023) 'TUSK: A ubiquitin hydrolase complex modulating surface protein abundance in trypanosomes' Frontiers in Parasitology 2:1118284 doi: 10.3389/fpara.2023.1118284 [PDF]


Bezerra, M.J.R., Moura, D.M.N., Freire, E.R., Holetz, F.B., Reis, C.R.S., Monteiro, T.T.S., Pinto, A.R.S., Zhang, N., Rezende, A.M., Pereira-Neves, A., Figueiredo, R.C.B.Q., Clayton, C., Field, M.C., Carrington, M., and de Melo Neto, O.P., (2022) 'Distinct mRNA and protein interactomes highlight functional differentiation of major eIF4F-like complexes from Trypanosoma brucei.' Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 9 971811 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Ebenezer, T., Low, R., O'Neill, E., Huang, I., DeSimone, A., Farrow, S., Field, R.A., Ginger, M., Guerrero, S.A., Hammond, M., Hampl, V., Horst, G., Ishikawa, T., Karnkowska, A., Linton, E., Myler, P., Nakazawa, M., Cardol, P., Sánchez-Thomas, R., and Saville, B.J., Shah, A.R., Alastair G. B. Simpson, A.G.B., Sur, A., Suzuki, K., Tyler, K.M., Zimba, P.V., Hall, N., and Field, M.C. (2022) 'Euglena International Network (EIN): Driving euglenoid biotechnology for the benefit of a challenged world.' Biology Open 11 bio059561 [PDF]

Field, M.C., (2022) 'Molecular Cellular Parasitology: Decades and challenges ahead.' Frontiers in Parasitology 1 963515 [PDF]

Field, M.C., and Rout, M.P., (2022) 'Coatomer in the universe of cellular complexity.' Molecular Biology of the Cell 33 pe8 [PDF].

Inoue, A.H., Domingues, P.F., Serpeloni, M., Hiraiwa, P.M., Vidal, N.M., Butterfield, E.R., del Pino, R.C., Boehm, C., Goldenberg, S., Field, M.C., and Ávila, A.R. (2022) 'Proteomics uncovers novel components of an interactive protein network supporting RNA export in trypanosomes.' Molecular Cellular Proteomics 21 100208 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Kontou, A., Herman, E., Field, M.C., Dacks, J.B., and Koumandou, V., (2022) 'Evolutionary reconstruction of factors shaping the endoplasmic reticulum.' Traffic 23 462 - 473 [PDF][Erratum] Top 10% downloaded paper.

Kovářová, J., Novotná, M., Faria, J., Rico, E., Wallace, C., Zoltner, M., Field, M.C., and Horn, D., (2022) ‘CRISPR-Cas9-based precision tagging of essential proteins in African trypanosomes.' Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 249 111479 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Kuppannan, A., Jiang, Y-Y., Maier, W., Liu, C., Lang, C.F., Cheng C-Y,  Field, M.C., Zhao, M., Zoltner, M., and  Turkewitz, A.P.,(2022) 'A novel membrane complex is required for docking and regulated exocytosis of lysosome-related organelles in Tetrahymena thermophila'. PLoS Genetics 18 e1010194 [PDF]

Lukeš, J., Kachale, A., Votýpka, J., Butenko, A., and Field, M.C., (2022) ‘African trypanosome strategies for conquering new hosts and territories: the end of monophyly?’ Trends in Parasitology 38 724 -736 [PDF]

Obado, S., Rout, M.P., and Field, M.C., (2022) 'Sending the message: Specialized RNA export mechanisms in trypanosomes.' Trends in Parasitology 38 854 - 867 [PDF]

Zoltner, M., and Field, M.C., (2022) 'Microbe Profile: Euglena gracilis: Photogenic, flexible and hardy' Microbiology 168 doi: 10.1099/mic.0.001241 [PDF]


Aguado, M.E., González-Matos, M., Izquierdo, M., Quintana, J.F., Field, M.C., and González-Bacerio, J., (2021) 'Expression in Escherichia coli, purification and kinetic characterization of LAPLm, a Leishmania major M17-aminopeptidase.' Protein Purification and Expression  183 105877 [PDF]

Butterfield, E.R., Abbott, J.C., and Field, M.C., (2021) 'Automated phylogenetic analysis using best reciprocal BLAST.' Methods in Molecular Biology 2369 41-63 [PDF][Code][Front matter]

Hammond, M., Zoltner, M., Garrigan, J., Butterfield, E.R., Lukeš, J., and Field, M.C., (2021) 'The distinctive flagellar proteome of Euglena gracilis illuminates the complexities of protistan flagella.' New Phytologist 231 1323-1336 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Makarov, A., Padilla-Mejia, N.E., and Field, M.C., (2021) 'Evolution of the nuclear pore complex.' Biochemical Society Transactions 49 1601-1619 [PDF]

Padilla-Mejia, N.E., Koreny, L., Holden, J., and Field, M.C., (2021) 'A hub and spoke model of assembly for the trypanosome nuclear lamina.' Journal of Cell Science 134 251-264 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Padilla-Mejia, N.E., Makarov, A.A., Barlow, L.D., Butterfield, E.R., and Field M.C., (2021) 'Evolution and diversification of the nuclear envelope.' Nucleus 12 21-41 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Quintana, J.F., and Field, M.C., (2021) 'Evolution, function and roles in drug sensitivity of trypanosome aquaglyceroporins.' Parasitology 148 1137-1142 [PDF]

Quintana, J.F., Zoltner, M., and Field, M.C., (2021) 'Evolving differentiation in African trypanosomes.' Trends in Parasitology 37 296-303 [PDF] Selected by Cell Press for World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day 2022 Special Collection. See here.

Walrad, P., Field, M.C., Navarro, M., and Robinson, D.R., (2021) Editorial for special issue Kinetoplastid cell biology and genetics from the British Society for Parasitology trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis symposium, Granada, Spain, March 2020. Parasitology 148 1119-112 [PDF][Cover image]


Alghamdi, A. H., Munday, J. C., Campagnaro, G. D., Gurvic, D., Svensson, F., Okpara, C. E., Kumar, A., Quintana, J. F., Abril, M. E. M., Milić, P., Watson, L., Paape, D., Settimo, L., Dimitriou, A., Wielinska, J., Smart, G., Anderson, L. F., Woodley, C. M., Kelley, S. P. Y., Ibrahim, H. M. S., Hulpia, F., Al-Salabi, M. I., Eze, A. A., Gudin, S., Field, M., Dardonville, C., Tidwell, R. R., Carrington, M., O'Neill, P. M., Boykin, D. W., Zachariae, U. and de Koning, H. P., 'Positively selected modifications in the pore of TbAQP2 allow pentamidine to enter Trypanosoma brucei.' eLife 9 e56416 [PDF]

Butenkol, A., Hammond, M., Field, M.C., Ginger, M., Yurchenko, V., and Lukeš, J., (2020) 'Reductionist pathways for parasitism in Euglenozoans? Expanded datasets provide new insights.' Trends in Parasitology 37 100-116 [PDF]

Giordani, F., Paape, D., Vincent, I.M., Pountain, A.W., Fernandez-Cortes, F., Rico, E., Zhang, N., Morrison, L., Freund, Y., Witty, M.J., Peter, R., Edwards, D.Y., Wilkes, J., Van der Hooft, J., Regnault, C., Read, K., Horn, D., Field, M.C., and Barrett, M.P. (2020) 'Veterinary trypanocidal benzoxaboroles are peptidase-activated prodrugs.' PLoS Pathogens 16 e1008932 [PDF]

Hammond, M., Nenarokova, A., Butenko, A., Zoltner, M., Lacová Dobáková, E., Field, M.C., and Lukeš, J., (2020) 'The uniquely complex mitochondrion of Euglena gracilis.' Molecular and Biochemical Evolution 37 2173-2191 [PDF]

Henrici, R.C., Edwards, R.L., Zoltner, M., van Schwalkwyk, D.A., Hart, M.N., Mohring, F., Moon, R., Nofal, S.D., Patel, A., Flueck, C., Baker, D., John, A.R.O., Field, M.C., and Sutherland, C.J. (2020) 'The Plasmodium falciparum artemisinin susceptibility-associated AP-2 adaptin u subunit is clathrin-independent and essential for schizont-maturation.' mBio 11 e02918-19 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Izquierdo, M., Lin, D., O'Neill, S., Zoltner, M., Webster, L., Hope, A., Gray, D.W., Field, M.C., and González-Bacerio, J., (2020) 'Development of a high-throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of the major M17-leucylaminopeptidase from Trypanosoma cruzi using RapidFire mass spectrometry.' Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening Discovery 25 1064-1071 [PDF]

Machado, F.C., Bittencourt-Cunha, P., Malvezzi, A.M., Árico, M., Radio, S., Smircich, P., Zoltner, M., Field, M.C., and Schenkman, S., (2020) 'eIF2α phosphorylation is regulated in intracellular amastigotes for generation of infective Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigote forms.' Cellular Microbiology 2020 e13243 [PDF]

Quintana, J.F., Bueren-Calabuig, J., Zuccotto, F., de Koning, H., Horn, D., and Field, M.C., (2020) 'Instability of aquaglyceroporin 2 driving drug resistance in Trypanosoma brucei.' PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 14 e0008458 [PDF]

Sparvoli, D., Zoltner, M., Cheng, C-Y., Field, M.C., and Turkewitz, A., (2020) 'Diversification of CORVET tethers facilitates transport complexity in Tetrahymena thermophila.' Journal of Cell Science 133 jcs238659 [PDF]

Zoltner, M., del Pino, R.C., and Field, M.C., (2020) 'Sorting muck from brass: Analysis of protein complexes and cell lysates.' Methods in Molecular Biology 2116 645-654 [PDF][Full Book]

Zoltner, M., Campagnaro, G.D., Taleva, G., Burrell, A., Cerone, M., Leung, K-F., Achcar, F., Horn, D., Vaughan, S., Gadelha, C., Zíková, A., Barrett, M.P., deKoning, H.P., and Field, M.C., (2020) 'Suramin triggers mitochondrial activation in African bloodstage trypanosomes' Journal of Biological Chemistry 295 8331 - 8347 [PDF][Supplementary data]


Boehm, C., and Field, M.C., (2019) 'Evolution of late steps in exocytosis: Conservation, specialization.' Wellcome Open Research 4 112 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Ebenezer, T., Zoltner, M., Burrell, A., Nenarokova, A., Novák Vanclová, A.M.G., Prasad, B., Soukal, P., Santana-Molina, C., O'Neill, E., Nankissoor, N.N., Vadakedath, N., Daiker, V., Obado, S., Silva-Pereira, S., Jackson, A.P., Devos D., Lukeš, J., Lebert, M., Vaughan, S., Hampl, V., Carrington, M., Ginger, M.L., Dacks, J.B., Kelly, S., and Field, M.C., (2019) 'Transcriptome, proteome and draft genome of Euglena gracilis.' BMC Biology 17 11 [PDF][Supplementary data][Proteome]

Faria, J., Glover, L., Hutchinson, S., Boehm, C., Field, M.C., and Horn, D., (2019) 'Monoallelic activator sequestration by a histone chaperone for heritable allelic exclusion.' Nature Communications 10 3023 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Field, M.C., and Rout, M., (2019) 'Pore timing: the evolutionary origins of the nucleus and nuclear pore complex.' Faculty 1000 Research 8 369 [PDF][Quanta Magazine]

Field, M.C., (2019) 'The kinetochore and the origin of eukaryotic chromosome segregation.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 116 12596-12598 [PDF]

Novák Vanclová, A.M.G., Zoltner, M., Kelly, S., Soukal, P., Ebenezer, T.E., Dobáková, E., Lukeš, J., Eliáš, M., Field, M.C., and Hampl, V., (2019) 'Metabolic quirks and the colourful history of the Euglena gracilis secondary plastid.' New Phytologist 225 1578 - 1592 [PDF][Supplementary data][Phylogenetic trees]

Saura, A., Iribarren, P., Diana López-Farfán, D., Bart, J.M., Rojas-Barros, D., Vidal-Cobo, I., Boehm, C., Alvarez, V., Field, M.C., and Navarro, M., (2019) 'A PH-domain containing SNF2 chromatin-remodeling protein promotes VSG expression and the mammalian infective developmental stage in trypanosomes.' European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) Reports 20 e48029 [PDF]

Wiedemar, N., Zwyer, M., Zoltner, M., Cal, M., Field, M.C., and Mäser, P., (2019) 'Expression of a specific variant surface glycoprotein has a major impact on suramin sensitivity and endocytosis in Trypanosoma brucei.' FASEB Bioadvances 1 595 - 608 [PDF]


Dacks, J.B., and Field, M.C (2018) 'Evolutionary origins and specialisations of membrane transport.' Current Opinions in Cell Biology 53 70 - 76 [PDF]

Herman, E.K., Ali, M., Field, M.C., and Dacks, J.B., (2018) 'Regulation of endocytosis across eukaryotes: Evolution and functional homology of Vps9 proteins.' Traffic 19 546 - 563 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Holden, J.M., Koreny, L., Obado, S., Ratushny, A., Chait, B.T., Aitchison, J.D., Rout, M.P., and Field, M.C., (2018) 'Control of surface protein expression by a moonlighting FG-repeat nucleoporin in trypanosomes.' Molecular Biology of the Cell 29 1100 - 1110 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Quintana, J., Del Pino, R.C., Yamada, K., Zhang, N., and Field, M.C., (2018) 'Adaption and therapeutic exploration: a two-edged tale of membrane space in trypanosomes.' Genes 9 368 [PDF]

Steketee, P.C., Vincent, I.M., Achcar, F., Giordani, F., Kim, D-H., Creek, D.J., Freund, Y., Jacobs, R., Rattigan, K., Horn, D., Field, M.C., MacLeod, A., and Barrett, M.P., (2018) 'Benzoxaborole treatment perturbs S-adenosyl-L-methionine metabolism in Trypanosoma brucei.' PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12(5): e0006450 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Venkatesh, D., Zhang, N., Zoltner, M., del Pino, R.C., and Field, M.C., (2018) 'Evolution of protein trafficking in kinetoplastid parasites: complexity and pathogenesis.' Traffic 19 803 - 812 [PDF]

Wall, R., J., Rico, E., Lukac, I., Zuccotto, F., Elg, S., Gilbert, I.H., Freund, Y., Alley, M.R.K., Field, M.C., Wyllie, S., and Horn, D., (2018) 'The clinical and veterinary trypanocidal oxaboroles target CPSF3.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 115 9616 - 9621 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Zhang, N., Zoltner, M., Ka-Fai Leung, K-F., Scullion, P., Hutchinson, S., del Pino, R.C., Vincent, I., Zhang, Y-K., Freund, Y.R., Alley, M.R.K., Jacobs, R.T., Read, K.D., Barrett, M.P., Horn, D., and Field, M.C., (2018) 'Activation and mechanisms of resistance to phenoxyborole class trypanosides.' PLoS Pathogens 14 e1006850 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Zoltner, M., Krienitz, N., Field, M.C., and Kramer, S., (2018) 'Comparative interactomics of the two T. brucei Poly(A) binding proteins reveals distinct processing pathways.' PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12 e0006679 [PDF]


Boehm, C., Obado, S., Manna, P.T., Gadelha, C., O'Reilly, A.J., Munson, M., Chait, B.T., Rout, M.P., and Field, M.C., (2017) 'The trypanosome exocyst: A conserved structure revealing a new role in endocytosis.' PLoS Pathogens 13 e1006063 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Ebenezer, T.E., Carrington, M., Lebert, M., Kelly, S., and Field, M.C., (2017) 'The genome of Euglena gracilis.' Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology of Euglena, Springer International (Shigeoka, S., Schwartzbach, S.D., eds). 979 125-140 [PDF]

Field, M. C., Obado, S., Schenkman, S., and Rout, M.P., (2017) 'Pearls: Specialising the parasite nucleus: Pores, lamins, chromatin, and diversity.' PLOS Pathogens 13 e1006170 [PDF]

Field, M.C., Horn, D., Fairlamb, A.H., Ferguson, M.A.J., Gray,, D.W., Read, K.D., De Rycker, M., Torrie, L.S., Wyatt, P.G., Wyllie, S., and Gilbert, I.H., (2017) 'Anti-trypanosomatid drug discovery: an ongoing challenge and a continuing need.' Nature Reviews Microbiology 15 217 - 231 [PDF]

Manna, P.T., Obado, S., Boehm, C., Gadelha, C., Sali, A., Chait, B.T., Rout, M.P., and Field, M.C., (2017) 'Lineage-specific proteins essential for endocytosis in trypanosomes.' Journal of Cell Science 130 1379 - 1392 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Obado, S., Field, M.C., and Rout, M.P., (2017) 'Comparative interactomics provides evidence for functional specialization of the nuclear pore complex.' Nucleus 8 1-13 [PDF]

Peña-Diaz, P., Vancová, M., Resl, C., Field, M.C., and Lukeš, J., (2016) 'Leucine aminopeptidase is a nabelschnur component that controls kinetoplast DNA segregation in Trypanosoma brucei.' PLoS Pathogens 13 e1006310 [PDF] [Supplementary data]

Rout, M.P., and Field, M.C., (2017) 'The evolution of organellar coat complexes and organisation of the eukaryotic cell.' Annual Reviews of Biochemistry 86 637 - 657 [PDF]

Venkatesh, D., Boehm, C., Barlow, L.D., Nankissor, N.N., O'Reilly, A.J., Kelly, S., Dacks, J.B., and Field, M.C. 'Evolution of the endomembrane systems of trypanosomatids - conservation and specialisation.' (2017) Journal of Cell Science 130 1421 - 1434 [PDF][Supplementary data]


Dacks, J.B., Field, M.C., Buick, R., Eme, L., Gribaldo, S., Roger, A.J., Brochier, C., and Devos, D.P., (2016) 'The changing view of eukaryogenesis - fossils, cells, lineages and how they all come together.' Journal of Cell Science 129 3695 - 3703 [PDF]

Field, M.C., and Ginger, M., (2016) 'Making the pathogen: Evolution and adaptation in parasitic protists.' Editorial for special issue of Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 209 1 - 2 [PDF]

Flegontov, P., Butenko, A, Firsov, S., Kraeva, N., Vlček, C., Logacheva, M.D., Gerasimov, E.S., Flegontova, O., Ishemgulova, A., Jackson, A.P., Kelly, S., Kostygov, A.Y., O'Reilly, A., Ševčíková, Z., Venkatesh, D., Záhonová, K., Maslov, D.A., Votýpka, J., Filatov, D., Field, M.C., Opperdoes, F., Yurchenko, V., and Lukeš, K. (2016) 'Genome of the monoxenous trypanosomatid Leptomonas pyrrhocoris: insights into the origin of the dixenous life cycle in Leishmania and population genetics of Trypanosomatidae.' Nature Scientific Reports 6 23704[PDF][Supplementary data]

Heider, M.R., Gu, M., Duffy, C.M., Mirza, A.M., Marcotte, L.L., Walls, A.C., Farrall, N., Hakhverdy, Z., Field, M.C., Rout, M.P., Frost, A., Munson, M. (2016) 'Subunit connectivity, assembly determinants, and architecture of the yeast exocyst complex.' Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 23 59 - 66 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Jackson, A.P., Otto, T., Aslett, M., Armstrong S.D., Bringaud, F., Schlacht, A., Hartley, C., Sanders, M., Wastling, J.M., Dacks, J.B., Acosta-Serrano, A., Field, M.C., Ginger, M., and Berriman, M., (2016) 'Kinetoplastid phylogenomics reveals the evolutionary innovations associated with the origins of parasitism.' Current Biology 26 161 - 172 [PDF][Editorial]

Kalb, L. C., Frederico, Y.C.A., Boehm, C., Moreira, C., Soares, M.J., and Field, M.C., (2016) 'Conservation and divergence within the clathrin interactome of Trypanosoma cruzi.' Nature Scientific Reports 6 31212 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Klinger, C.M., Ramirez-Macias, I., Herman, E.K., Turkewitz, A.P., Field, M.C., and Dacks, J.B., (2016) 'Resolving the homology-function relationship through comparative genomics of membrane-trafficking machinery and parasite cell biology.' Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 209 88-103 [PDF]

Koreny, L., and Field, M.C., (2016) 'Ancient eukaryotic origin and evolutionary plasticity of the nuclear lamina.' Genome Biology and Evolution 8 2663 - 2671 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Maishman, L., Obado, S., Alsford, S., Bart, J.M., Navarro, M., Horn, D., Ratushny, Aitchison, J.D., Chait, B.T., Rout, M.P., and Field, M.C., (2016) 'Codependence between Trypanosoma nuclear lamina components in nuclear stability and control of gene expression.' Nucleic Acids Research 44 10554-10570 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Manna, P.T., and Field, M.C., (2016) 'Phosphoinositides, kinases and adaptors co-ordinating endocytosis in Trypanosoma brucei.' Communicative and Integrative Biology 8 e1082691 [PDF]

Obado, S., Brillantes, B., Uryu, K., Zhang, W-Z., Ketaren, N.E., Chait, B.T. Field, M.C., and Rout, M.P. (2016) 'Interactome mapping reveals the evolutionary history of the nuclear pore complex.' PLoS Biology 14 e1002365 [PDF][Supplementary data][Editorial][RU newswire][SciCast][][LabEquip][Eureka]

Obado, S., Field, M.C., Chait, B.T. and Rout, M.P., (2016) 'High-efficiency isolation of nuclear envelope protein complexes from trypanosomes.' Methods in Molecular Biology 1411 67 - 80 [PDF]

Zoltner, M., Horn, D., deKoning, H., and Field, M.C., (2016) 'Exploiting the Achilles' heel of membrane trafficking in trypanosomes.' Current Opinions in Microbiology 34 97 - 103 [PDF]


Bart, J-M., Cordon-Obras, C., Vidal, I., Reed, J., Esperanza , P-P., Cuevas, L., Field, M.C., Carrington, M., and Navarro, M., (2015) 'Localisation of serum resistance-associated protein in Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and transgenic Trypanosoma brucei brucei.' Cellular Microbiology 17 1523 - 1535 [PDF]

Gadelha, C., Zhang, W-Z., Chamberlain, J.W., Chait, B.T., Wickstead, B., and Field, M.C., (2015) 'Architecture of a parasite surface: Complex targeting mechanisms revealed through proteomics.' Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 14 1911 - 1926 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Manna, P.T., Gadelha, C., Puttick, A.E. and Field, M.C., (2015) 'AP-2 independent endocytosis driven by E/ANTH domain proteins in Trypanosoma brucei.' Journal of Cell Science 128 2130 - 2142 [PDF][Supplementary data]

McCulloch, R., and Field, M.C., (2015) 'Quantitative sequencing confirms VSG diversity as central to immune evasion by Trypanosoma brucei.' Trends in Parasitology 31 346 - 349 [PDF]

Zoltner, M., Leung, K-F., Alsford, S., Horn, D., and Field, M.C., (2015) 'Modulation of the surface proteome through multiple ubiquitylation pathways in African trypanosomes.' PLoS Pathogens 11 e1005236 [PDF][Table1][Supplementary data]


Ali, M., Leung, K-F., and Field, M.C., (2014) 'The ancient Rab21 small GTPase functions in intermediate endocytic steps in trypanosomes.' Eukaryotic Cell 13 304-319 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Allison, H., O'Reilly, A.J., Leung, K-F., Sternberg, J., and Field, M.C., (2014) 'An extensive endoplasmic reticulum-localised glycoprotein family in trypanosomatids.' Microbial Cell 1 325-345 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Devos, D., Graf, R., and Field, M.C., (2014) 'Evolution of the nucleus.' Current Opinion in Cell Biology 28 8-15 [PDF]

Holden, J.M., Koreny, L., Obado, S., Ratushny, A.V., Chen, W-M., Kelly, S., Chait, B.T., Aitchison, J.D., Rout, M.B., and Field, M.C., (2014) 'Nuclear pore complex evolution: A trypanosome Mlp analog functions in chromosomal segregation but lacks transcriptional barrier activity.' Molecular Biology of the Cell 25 1421-1436 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Holden, J.M., Koreny, L., Kelly, S., Brian T. Chait, Rout, M.B., Field, M.C., and Obado, S., (2014) 'Touching from a distance: Evolution of interplay between the nuclear pore complex and the mitotic spindle.' Nucleus 5 304-310 [PDF]

Kelly, S., Ivens, A., Manna, P.T., Gibson, W., and Field, M.C., (2014) 'A draft genome for the African crocodilian trypanosome Trypanosoma grayi.' Nature Scientific Data 1 140024 [PDF]

Lynch, M., Field, M.C., Goodson, H., Malik, H., Pereira-Leal, J.B., Roos, D., Turkewitz, A., and Sazer, S., (2014) 'Evolutionary Cell Biology: Two origins, one objective.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 111 16990 - 16994 [PDF]

Manna, P.T., Boehm, C., Leung, K-F., Natesan, S.K., and Field, M.C., (2014) 'Life and times: Synthesis, trafficking and evolution of VSG.' Trends in Parasitology 30 251-258 [PDF]

Perez, E., Lapaille, M., Degand, H., Cilibrasi, L., Villavicencio-Queijeiro, A., Morsomme, P., Gonzalez-Halphen, D., Field, M.C., Remacle, C., Baurain, D., and Cardol, P., (2014) 'The mitochondrial respiratory chain of the secondary green alga Euglena gracilis shares additional complexity with parasitic Trypanosomatidae.' Mitchondrion 19 338- 349 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Porcel, B.M., Denoeud, F.,Opperdoes, F., Noel, B., Hammarton, T.C., Field, M.C., Da Silva, C., Couloux, A., Poulain, J., Katinka, M., Jabbari, K., Aury, J-M., Campbell, D.A., Cintron, R., Dickens, N., Docampo, R., Sturm, N.R., Koumandou, V.L., Fabre, S., Flegontov, P., Lukeš, J., Michaeli, S., Mottram, J.C., Szöőr, B., Zilberstein, D., Bringaud, F., Wincker, P., and Dollet, M., (2013) 'The streamlined genome of Phytomonas spp. relative to human pathogenic kinetoplastids reveals a parasite tailored for plants.' PLoS Genetics 10 e1004007 [PDF]

Rout, M.P., Koreny, L., and Field, M.C., (2014) 'Enriching the pore: Splendid complexity from humble origins.' Traffic 15 141-156 [PDF]

Schlacht, A., Herman, E.K., Klute, M.J., Field, M.C., and Dacks, J.B., (2014) 'Missing pieces of an ancient puzzle: evolution of the membrane-trafficking system.' In 'Origin And Evolution Of Eukaryotes', Keeling, P.J. and Koonin, E.V., eds. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, ISBN 978-1-621820-28-4 [PDF]

Wideman, J., Leung, K-F., Field, M.C., and Dacks, J.B., (2014) 'The cell biology of the endocytic system from an evolutionary perspective.' Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 6 a016998 [PDF]


Spotlight article on our work on gene expression in trypanosomes. 'Sleeping sickness by stealth.' University of Cambridge Research Horizons (2013) 1(20) 26 [PDF]

Article on our work on drug sensitivity. Research matters 'Decoding drug efficacy and resistance in African trypanosomes.' (2013) Pathology News 4 4 [PDF]

Article discussing our work on evolution of the nucleus 'Meeting report: mitosis and nuclear structure.' Journal of Cell Science 126, 5087-5090 [PDF]

Adung'a, V.O., and Field, M.C., (2013) 'TbFRP, a novel FYVE-domain containing phosphoinositide-binding Ras-like GTPase from trypanosomes.' Experimental Parasitology 133 255-264 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Adung'a, V.O., Gadelha, C., and Field, M.C., (2013) 'Proteomic analysis of clathrin interactions in trypanosomes reveals dynamic evolution of endocytosis.' Traffic 14 440-457 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Ali, J.A.M., Creek, D.J., Burgess, K., Allison, H.C., Field, M.C., Mäser, P., and de Koning, H.P. (2013) 'Pyrimidine salvage in Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms and the trypanocidal action of halogenated pyrimidines.' Molecular Pharmacology 83 439-453 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Ali, M., and Field, M.C., (2013) 'Cell density-dependent ectopic expression in bloodstream form Trypanosoma brucei.' Experimental Parasitology 134 249 - 255 [PDF]

Alsford, S., Field, M.C., and Horn, D.H., (2013) 'Receptor-mediated endocytosis for drug delivery in African trypanosomes: fulfilling Paul Ehrich's vision of chemotherapy.' Trends in Parasitology 29 207 - 212 [PDF]

Field, H.I., Coulson, R.M.R., and Field, M.C., (2013) 'An automated graphics tool for comparative genomics: Coulson plot generator.' BMC Bioinformatics 14 141 [PDF][Software download]

Gabernet-Castello, C., Dacks, J.B., O'Reilly, A.J., and Field, M.C., (2013) 'Evolution of Tre-2/Bub2/Cdc16 (TBC) Rab GTPase-activating proteins.' Molecular Biology of the Cell 24 1574 - 1583 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Glover, L., Hutchinson, S., McCulloch, R., Alsford, S., Field, M.C., and Horn, D., (2013) 'Antigenic variation in African trypanosomes: The importance of chromosomal and nuclear context in VSG expression control.' Cellular Microbiology 15 1984 - 1993 [PDF]

Jackson, A.P., Allison, H.C., Field, M.C., Barry, J.D., Hertz-Fowler, C., and Berriman, M., (2013) 'A cell-surface phylome for African trypanosomes.' PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7 e2121 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Koumandou, V.L., Boehm, C., Horder, K.A., and Field, M.C., (2013) 'Evidence for recycling of invariant surface trans-membrane domain proteins in African trypanosomes.' Eukaryotic Cell 12 330 - 342 [PDF]

Koumandou, V.L., Wickstead, B., Ginger, M., van der Geizen, M., Dacks, J.B., and Field, M.C., (2013) 'Molecular palaeontology and unprecedented complexity in the last eukaryotic common ancestor.' Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 48 373-396 [PDF]

Kramer, S., Bannerman-Chukualim, B., Ellis, L., Boulden, E.A., Kelly, S. Field, M.C., and Carrington, M., (2013) 'Differential localization of the two T. brucei Poly(A)-binding proteins to the nucleus and RNP granules suggests binding to different subsets of mRNAs' PLoS One 8 e54004 [PDF]

Leung, K-F., Manna, P., Boehm, C., Maishman, L., and Field, M.C., (2013) Cell biology for immune evasion: Organising antigenic variation, surfaces, trafficking and cellular structures in Trypanosoma brucei.' In 'Trypanosomes and Trypanosomiasis.' (Magez, S., ed). Springer-Verag. ISBN-10: 3709115558 [PDF]

Manna, P., Kelly, S., and Field, M.C., (2013) 'Co-evolution of antigenic variation and adaptins in trypanosomatids.' Molecular and Protein Evolution 67 123 - 128 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Murungi, E., Barlow, L.D., Venkatesh, D., Adung'a, V.O., Dacks, J.B., Field, M.C., and Christoffels, A., (2013) 'A comparative analysis of trypanosomatid SNARE proteins.' Parasitology International 63 341-348 [PDF]

vanDam, T.P.J., Townsend, M.J, Turk, M., Schlessinger, A., Sali, A., Field, M.C., and Huynen, M., (2013) 'Evolution of modular intraflagellar transport from a coatomer-like progenitor.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 110 6943 - 6948 [PDF]


Alsford, S., duBois, K. N., Horn, D., and Field, M.C., (2012) 'Epigenetic mechanisms, nuclear architecture and the control of gene expression in trypanosomes.' Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine 14 e13 [PDF]

Alsford, S., Eckert, S., Baker, N., Glover, L., Sanchez-Flores, A., Leung, K.F., Turner, D.J., Field, M.C., Berriman, M and Horn, D., (2012) 'High-throughput decoding of anti-trypanosomal drug efficacy and resistance.' Nature 482 232-236 [PDF][Supplementary data][News and views]

DuBois, K.N., Alsford, S., Holden, J.M., Buisson, J., Swiderski, M., Bart, J.M., Ratushny, A.T., Wan, Y., Bastin, P., Barry, J.D., Navarro, M., Horn, D., Aitchison, J.D., Rout, M.P., and Field, M.C., (2012) 'NUP-1 is a large coiled-coil nucleoskeletal protein in trypanosomes with lamin-like functions.' PLoS Biology 10 e1001287 [PDF][Supplementary data][Press release]

Elias, M., Brighouse, A., Gabernet-Castello, C., Field, M. C., and Dacks, J.B., (2012) 'Sculpting the endomembrane system in deep time: High resolution phylogenetics of Rab GTPases.' Journal of Cell Science 125, 2500-2508 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Field, M.C., A'dunga, V., Obado, S., Chait, B.T. and Rout, M.P., (2012) 'Proteomics at the rims; insights into the biology of the nuclear envelope and flagellar pocket of trypanosomes.' Parasitology 139 1158 - 1167 [PDF]

Field, M.C., Horn, D., Alsford, S., Koreny, L., and Rout, M.P., (2012) 'Telomeres, tethers and trypanosomes.' Nucleus 3:6 1 - 9 [PDF]

Jackson, A.P., Berry, A., Aslett, M., Allison, H.C., Burton, P., Vavrova-Anderson, J., Brown, R., Browne, H., Corton, N., Hauser, H., Gamble, J., Gilderthorp, R., Marcello, L., McQuillan, J., Otto, T.D., Quail, M.A., Sanders, M., Van Tonder, A., Ginger, M.L., Field, M.C., Barry, J.D., Berriman, M., and Hertz-Fowler, C., (2012) 'Antigenic diversity is generated by distinct evolutionary mechanisms in African trypanosomes.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 109 3416 - 3421 [PDF][Supplementary data][Supplementary tables]

Lo, J.C.Y., Jamsai, D., O'Connor, A.E., Borg, C., Clark, B.J., Whisstock, J.C., Field, M.C., Adams, V., Ishikawa, T., Aitken, R.J., Whittle, B., Goodnow, C.C., Ormandy, C.J., and O'Bryan, M.K. (2012) 'RAB-like 2 has an essential role in male fertility, sperm intra-flagella transport and tail assembly.' PLoS Genetics 8 e1002969 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Ramasamy, R., and Field, M.C., (2012) 'Terminal galactosylation of glycoconjugates in Plasmodium falciparum asexual blood stages and Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream trypomastigotes.' Experimental Parasitology 130 314 - 320 [PDF][Supplementary data]

van Dam, J., Field, M.C., and Huynen, M., (2012) 'Origin and extension of the IFT complex in early eukaryotic evolution.' Cilia 2012, 1(Suppl 1):P56 [PDF]


Abbasai, K., DuBois, K.N., Leung, K.L., Dacks, J.B., and Field, M.C., (2012) 'A novel Rho-like protein TbRHP is involved in spindle formation and mitosis in trypanosomes.' PLoS One 6 e26890 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Dokudovskaya, S., Waharte, F., Schlessin ger, A., Pieper, U., Devos, D., Cristea, I.M., Williams, R., Salamero, J., Chait, B.T., Sali, A., Field, M.C., Rout, M.P., and Dargemont, C. (2011) 'A conserved coatomer-related complex containing Sec13 and Seh1 dynamically associates with the vacuole in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.' Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 10 M110.006478 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Field, M.C., Sali, A., and Rout, M.P., (2011) 'On a bender: Bars, ESCRTs COPs and finally getting your coat.' Journal of Cell Biology 193 963-972 [PDF]

Gabernet-Castello, C., DuBois, K. N., Nimmo, C., and Field, M.C., (2011) 'Rab11 function in Trypanosoma brucei: Identification of conserved and novel interaction partners.' Eukaryotic Cell 10 1082-1094 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Gadelha, C., Holden, J.M., Allison, H.C., and Field, M.C., (2011) 'Specializations in a successful parasite: What makes the bloodstream form African trypanosome so deadly?' Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 179 51-58 [PDF]

Koumandou, V.L., and Field, M.C., (2011) 'The emergence of cellular complexity at the dawn of the eukaryotes: Reconstructing the endomembrane system with in silico and functional analyses.' Chapter 10 in 'Evolutionary Biology - Concepts, Biodiversity, Macroevolution and Genome Evolution.' (Pontarotti, P., ed.,) Springer Verlag pp 153-167 [PDF]

Koumandou, V.L., Klute, M.J., Herman, E.K., Nunez-Miguel, R., Dacks, J.B., and Field, M.C., (2011) 'Evolutionary reconstruction of the retromer complex and its function in Trypanosoma brucei.' Journal of Cell Science 124 1496-1509 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Leung, K.F., Riley, F., Carrington, M., and Field, M.C., (2011) 'Ubiquitylation as a general mechanism for internalisation of trans-membrane domain surface proteins in trypanosomes.' Eukaryotic Cell 10 916-931 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Lumb, J.H., Leung, K.L., DuBois, K.N., and Field, M.C., (2011) 'Rab28 function in trypanosomes: Interactions with retromer and ESCRT pathways.' Journal of Cell Science 124 3771-3783 [PDF]

Lumb, J.H., and Field, M.C., (2011) "Rab23 is a flagellar protein in Trypanosoma brucei.' BMC Research Notes 15 190 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Natesan, S.K.A., Black, A., Matthews, K.R., Mottram, J.C., and Field, M.C., (2011) 'Trypanosoma brucei brucei: Endocytic recycling is important for mouse infectivity.' Experimental Parasitology 127 777-783 [PDF][Supplementary data]

O'Reilly, A.J., Dacks, J.B., and Field, M.C., (2011) 'Evolution of the karyopherin-β family of nucleocytoplasmic transport factors; ancient origins and continued specialization.' PLoS One 6: e19308. [PDF][Supplementary data]

Stijlemans, B., Caljon, G., Natesan, S.K.N., Saerens, D., Conrath, K., Skepper, J., Nikolaou, A., Pérez-Morga, D., Brys, L., Pays, E., Magez, S., Field, M.C., De Baetselier, P., and Muyldermans, S. (2011) 'High affinity nanobodies against Trypanosoma brucei variant surface glycoprotein are potent trypanolytic agents that block endocytosis.' PLoS Pathogens 7 e1002072 [PDF].


Ball, S.K., Field, M.C., and Tippins, J.R., (2010) 'Regulation of thromboxane receptor signaling at multiple levels by oxidative stress-induced stabilization, relocation and enhanced responsiveness.' PLoS One 5 e12798 [PDF] Featured in MDLinx Cardiology

Brighouse, A., Dacks, J.B., and Field, M.C., (2010) 'Rab protein evolution and the history of the eukaryotic endomembrane system.' Cell and Molecular Life Sciences 67 3449-3465 [PDF]

Field, M.C., Sergeenko, T., Wang, Y-N., Böhm, S., and Carrington, M., (2010) 'Chaperone requirements for biosynthesis of the trypanosome variant surface glycoprotein.' PLoS One 5 e8468 [PDF][Supplementary data][Figure S3]

Fritz-Laylin, L., Prochnik, S., Ginger, M., Dacks, J.B., Carpenter, M., Field, M.C., Paredez, A., Chapman, J., Pham, J., Shu, S., Neupane, R., Cipriano, M., Mancuso, J., Tu, H., Kuo, A., Salamov, A., Lindquist, E., Shapiro, H., Lucas, S., Grigoriev, I., Cande, Z., Fulton, C., Rokshar, D., and Dawson S. (2010) 'The genome of Naegleria gruberi illuminates early eukaryotic versatility.' Cell 140 631-642 [PDF]

Natesan, S.K.A., Peacock, L., Leung K.F, Gibson, W., and Field, M.C., (2010) 'Evidence that low endocytic activity is not directly responsible for human serum resistance in the insect form of African trypanosomes.' BMC Research Briefs 3 63 [PDF]

Wang, Y-N., Wang, M., and Field, M.C., (2010) 'Trypanosoma brucei: Trypanosome-specific endoplasmic reticulum proteins involved in variant surface glycoprotein expression.' Experimental Parasitology 125 208-221 [PDF]


Dacks, J.B., Peden, A., and Field, M.C., (2009) 'Evolution of specificity in the eukaryotic membrane system.' International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 41 330-340 [PDF]

deGrasse, J., DuBois, K., Devos, D., Siegel, T.N., Sali, A., Field, M.C., Rout, M.P., and Chait, B.T., (2009) 'Evidence for a shared nuclear pore complex architecture that is conserved from the last common eukaryotic ancestor.' Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 8 2119-2030 [PDF][Supplementary data][Movie][Table 2][Table 3]

Field, M.C., (2009) 'Drug screening by crossing membranes; a novel approach to identification of trypanocides.' The Biochemical Journal 419 e1-e3 [PDF]

Field, M.C., and Carrington, M., (2009) 'The trypanosome flagellar pocket' Nature Reviews Microbiology 7 775-786 [PDF]

Field, M.C., and Dacks, J.B., (2009) 'First and last ancestors; Reconstructing evolution of the endomembrane system with ESCRTs, vesicle coat proteins, and nuclear pore complexes.' Current Opinion in Cell Biology 21 4-13 [PDF]

Field, M.C., Lumb, J., A'dunga, V., Jones, N., and Engstler, M., (2009) 'Macromolecular trafficking and immune evasion in African trypanosomes.' International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology 278 1-52 [PDF][Color plates][Front matter]

Gabernet-Castello, C., Dacks, J.B., and Field, M. C., (2009) 'The single ENTH domain protein of trypanosomes; functional and evolutionary relationship with the epsins.' Traffic 10 894-911 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Natesan, S.K.A., Leung, K.F., Peacock, L., Gibson, W., and Field, M.C., (2009) 'The trypanosome Rab-related proteins RabX1 and RabX2 play no role in intracellular trafficking but may be involved in fly infectivity.' PLoS One 4 e7217 [PDF][Supplementary data]


Chung, W.L., Leung, K.F., Carrington, M., and Field, M.C., (2008) 'Position-specific ubiquitylation is required for internalisation and degradation of trans-membrane surface proteins in trypanosomes' Traffic 9 1681-1697 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Dacks, J.B., Poon, P.P., Field, M.C., (2008) 'Phylogeny of endocytic components yields insight into the process of non-endosymbiotic organelle evolution.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 105 588-593 [PDF][Supplementary data][Commentary in Journal of Cell Biology]

Dacks, J.B., Walker, G., and Field, M.C., (2008) 'Implications of the new eukaryotic systematics for parasitologists.' Parasitology International 57 97 - 104 [PDF]

deGrasse, J., Chait, B.T., Field, M.C., and Rout, M.P., (2008) 'High-yield isolation and subcellular proteomic characterization of nuclear and subnuclear structures of trypanosomes.' Methods in Molecular Biology 463 77-92 [PDF]

Field, M.C., (2008) 'Bad timing and global pestilence.' Book review of 'Emerging Protozoan Pathogens (Khan, A.H., (ed), Taylor and Francis, New York)' Parasitology International 57 415-416 [PDF]

Field, M.C., Horn, D., and Carrington, M., (2008) 'Analysis of small GTPases in trypanosomes.' in Small GTPases in Disease (Balch, W., Der, C., and Hall, A., eds.) Methods in Enzymology 438 57-76 [PDF]

Field, M.C., and O'Reilly, A.J., (2008) 'How complex is GTPase signalling in trypanosomes?' Trends in Parasitology 24 253-257 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Koumandou, V.K., Natesan, S.K.A., Sergeenko, T., and Field, M.C., (2008) 'The trypanosome transcriptome is remodelled during differentiation, but displays limited responsiveness within life stages.' BMC Genomics 9 298 [PDF][Supplementary data][Array data access]

Leung, K.F., Dacks, J.D., and Field, M.C., (2008) 'Evolution of the multi-vesicular body ESCRT machinery; retention across the eukaryotic lineage.' Traffic 9 1698-1716 [PDF][Supplementary data]


Allen, C.L., Liao, D.J., Chung, W-L., and Field, M.C., (2007) 'Dileucine signal-dependent and AP1-independent targeting of a lysosomal glycoprotein in Trypanosoma brucei.' Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 156 175-190 [PDF][Supplementary data]

Dacks, J.B., and Field, M.C., (2007) 'Evolution of the eukaryotic membrane-trafficking system: Origins, tempo and mode.' Journal of Cell Science 120 2977-2985 [PDF]

Engstler, M., Bangs, J.D., and Field, M.C.,(2007) 'Intracellular transport systems in trypanosomes: function, evolution and virulence.' in 'Trypanosomes - after the genome.' (Barry, J.D., Mottram, J., McCulloch, R., and Acosta-Serrano, A, eds). Horizon Press [PDF]

Field, M.C., Natesan, S., Gabernet-Castello, C., and Koumandou, V.L. (2007) 'Intracellular trafficking in trypanosomes.' Traffic 8 629-639 [PDF]

Field, M.C., Gabernet-Castello, C., and Dacks, JB., (2007) 'Reconstructing the evolution of the endocytic system: Insights from genomics and molecular cell biology' Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 607 84-96 [PDF][Figure 3 full resolution]

Koumandou, V.L., Dacks, J.B., Coulson, R.M.R., and Field, M.C., (2007) 'Control systems for membrane fusion in the ancestral eukaryote; Evolution of tethering complexes and SM proteins.' BMC Evolutionary Biology 7 29 [PDF]

Natesan, S.K.A., Peacock, L., Matthews, K., Gibson, W., and Field, M.C., (2007) 'Activation of endocytosis as an adaptation to the mammalian host by trypanosomes' Eukaryotic Cell 6 2029-2037 [PDF]


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